Its valentines day today!

Not that its any different day for me, but well its always worth a mention.
I guess this day holds a lot of excitement for the college-goers, teens, just engaged or freshly wed couples.
Else I really doubt, from my perspective that there are many Indians who really celebrate this day.
Well, couples who generally are too busy may find a good way to reconnect on this day
but for the aam-aadmi and the common junta like us, its another day, in passing.
Except for the moral policing guys --remember the Pink-Chaddi campaign --hahaha.These self proclaimed guardians of our culture must be really waiting for this day to get out, bash up some innocent teenagers and get some media coverage.
Or the shopkeepers for which any festival is a money making venture! :) !
Well reading my own post reaffirms the fact that age makes us cynical..
In any case Happy Valentines to everyone!
Its been almost 4 yrs of mrg and touch-wood its lovely to be in a beautiful relationship.
So To love!
Cheers !


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