
Showing posts from March, 2009

More movies

Maybe I've started enjoying all movies ... You can spend some time watching "Gran Torino" if you can live with the language [ disparaging racial remarks are strewn generously throughout the whole span]. At your own risk do watch watch "Dhoondte Reh jaoge" which is a no brainer stupid time pass movie !!! :).But which i had a good laugh at anyways. Well dont watch : "Twilight" . Its a movie about a "veggie vampirish family" ,to mean they only feed on animals and not humans . Who said only Bollywood was capable of churning no brainers. You have tough competition here !

"The Reader"

Go watch it ... The movie is fabulous. This is one of those movies best watched alone .Will not reveal the story here.It left an impact on my mind and it's very unlike the movies i've watched in a long long time.It's a slow movie but with a strong script and have the patience and watch it till the end.The movie begins in a mood of intense passion,but well there's much more to it.It is based on WW-2 and gives an insight into the minds of one of the perpetrators of crime. Changeling is another good movie which you should not miss..