Post lunch time pass,reflections to avoid sleeping off!

I have a meeting at 3.00 pm .Dont know how it will go coz i dont have anything much to report about.
I dont want to think abt it and so i think i"ll blog.
Hey i turned 30 some days back ..The good old 20s are gone ...
30,married ,no kids and havent acheived much in life either.
Dont know where all this is going .

Nothing really much to talk abt.
And hey i am not at all sad or extra reflective as i write this.
I am still ready to take on life and maybe things will get better for me!
The good side --Great friends a good life partner,i dont work in a company,am still studying and am going to see a lot of new places and meet new friends!
I dont owe anybody anything financially,not enough money to save,so wont try saving , just enough to enjoy and travel!
Stopped thinking too much about the future--- u cant think beyond 6 months --u never know where life will take you !
So dont plan too much ! By planning too much in advance you may be killing out other interesting unforeseen chances in life!
Ok thats my fundae for the day!
Feel good abt saying something and whiling away my time!

Just a nice foto from our last trip ...


One should not take life so seriously. Do you follow PhD comics ? We all can relate to it so much :)

Keep writing more often.

Pushuka said…
Felt nice to read your post and see that you're having fun!! And hey, I'm 30, married and haven't quite planted a flag on Mt Everest either... So, you've got at least one other person to give you company on the "don't know where all this is going" boat. :)
HI Daksh,
Nice blog. Would like to contracdict one statement
>>"havent acheived much in life either."
I guess you have achieved pretty much a lot. Though it may not seem significant compared to great achievers like Einstein/DaVinci, but definately much better than most other people around..Isn't it :-)
RagS said…
>>"havent acheived much in life either."

Achievement can be for self-satisfaction or to the outside world.
I guess u hv loads of the former and good of the latter.
Things r already filled ... nothin 'empty' :)

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