just for the heck of it !!!

I dont want the "layoff at office" post showing up when I open my blog :)
the best way-write another mindless blog.
Well for me blogging is all about killing time and adding more junk on the web.
Because i have read some really serious good blogs --so i believe i am just wasting space .But nevertheless i will continue to do so ! at the cost of another reader's time --the next chap/chappeee who surfs by to kill some time like me.

Some random thoughts
** Learning to laugh at yourself an asset.Life's biggest troubles will vanish before you.
** Its good to look at yourself as the best ,etc etc but considering yourself a small spec in the bigger system of things called life also easens your burdens at time. Bottom line : Let go .. and learn to take it easy .You cannot please everyone at all times .
** Marriages : It begins with love and lust ,then its love and then its secure ,reliable companionship .Expecting anything beyond that will give you deep deep heartaches.


Rashmi Patel said…
oh no. it's not useless. it is for frnds like me who lurk around reading your blog, hoping you update it more often.
Dakshina Dasari said…
Hey Rash!
How was your trip back home
Rashmi Patel said…
It was hectic and fun. we went around bangalore with family..hoggenekkal and mm hills and i went to ahm and navsari and met frnds and extended family. cdn't meet you. but i may be back in May again for the vacation.

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