You know u're looking for a house when ...

1. You unconsciously start looking at sites and guessing the dimensions 30*40 / 40*60
You start looking at tiles and guessing if its a 2"*2" or 1.5"*1.5" ..Same for the rooms
2. The Times Property section becomes mores interesting than the Bangalore times page
3. You are more interested in home loans than ever before.You also finally start observing your bank balances to check if have the necessary 15% to pay the initial amts...
4. You start observing all hoardings/ads more than those of films stars/favourite stars
5. The architect in you comes alive.Each time you visit someone's home you think of "better" ways you would have planned the house and saved space.
6. You suddenly lean towards Vaastu Shastra and start thinking if your bad luck in office is because your cube placement is not compliant to Vaastu !!!

At some time or the other you fall in this trap of searching a house.Peer pressure,fear of rising prices,relatives all around you telling you that "NOW" is the time to go for it ...and you fall into the trap ...Gone are the days when you bought a place after serving for 20 years and saving for it.All around ppl keep telling you that its better to pay an EMI than pay rent to someone else and not have anything !!!Many of my friends have now bought a site/apartment/both and more after 3-4 years !!! Thanks to the huge IT boom and return of many S/w engineers from an onsite project and saving enough moolah to make a quick buy . Thanks to them that owning a flat has become a huge dream .

Pros of an buying a house soon :
1. People will stop bothering you
2. Many more obvious economic benefits which i dont wont to reiterate ...

1. You are in the dirty debt trap ...
2. You are pinned to a given place .
3. I have friends who travel for hours together to reach the office coz they dont want to rent the house that they have bought after spending like a hundred weekends chasing it and sacrificing trips/treks/parties for the same !!!
4. You have to keep working .You simply cant leave your job and pursue your fancies...or take a break from the dirty job that you simply hate and the boss you cant tolerate.

I could keep adding to this list :)


Have you started looking for one ? So, what are the odds that you would succumb to this ?
Dakshina Dasari said…
I really dont know.It seems to have caught on to Guru and its been ruining all weekends :) ...
Don't get into that trap. If you ever indeed decide to go for one, contact me. I will be glad to dispose mine, of course for a good sum :)
Rashmi Patel said…
me too adding my views :)
sorry first for the long comment.

if you planning to settle down, this is the first thing you shd do = buy a house. cos its the best tax-reduction tool. and a great investment.

however, if you planning to unsettle up :) like us, it's a HUGE burden.

think well and decide. if you guys will be earning while studying you can do a bit of math now and see ... may be you can manage ... work out the math. really. will save a lot of trouble.
Dakshina Dasari said…
Hi Rash,
The thought of settling down unsetles me actualy ...
Settling down is like stagnating,its like a full stop to all..its like u've finally grown up ...Well all that aside,yeah we've been doing the math and thinking a lot.Thanks for the advice.

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